Adding a new publisher!

I’m very happy to announce that my latest book, Wanton Venture, has been contracted with a new publisher, Resplendence Publishing.

Wanton Venture is an erotic Regency, and I absolutely love this book and these characters. Here’s a sample:


She sped along as quickly as she could while maintaining a semblance of dignity. She didn’t wait for the footman but sought the safety and security of the Grebe. It was someplace where she felt Clive and all of her other worries could not touch her. With no fanfare she crossed the gangplank and set foot aboard, breathing in the smells of the ship and the brackish sea air with a smile that unknowingly transformed her face.

“Are you well, Miss Gracechurch?”

Helena turned toward to Raymond Talbury, a shocked expression frozen on her face. She had not expected him so soon. She had not prepared for his presence.

She couldn’t know how charming she looked, with a few reddish curls escaping her tight braids and the flush of high color on her cheeks. But she did notice how those intense dark eyes flickered down to her lips, and she wondered if he had thought of kissing her half as often as she had contemplated the act of kissing him.

“Was that gentleman bothering you, Miss Gracechurch?” His furrow furrowed as he looked off toward the end of the pier where Clive had disappeared in the milling crowds. “He looked familiar, perhaps….”

“It was my cousin, Mr. Talbury.” She licked her lips unconsciously. “I assure you, it is a mere difference of opinion on some business matters. Nothing to concern yourself with. Thank you for being so very prompt. I appreciate that more than you can know.”

He smiled in response, with even white teeth and a dimple in his left cheek that made her heart beat erratically. Dear Lord in Heaven, help me to avoid temptation.

“It was a pleasure, Miss. I enjoyed speaking with Captain Saunders and the mates.” He patted the railing fondly. “The Grebe is a fine ship. She would make any sailor proud to serve on her.”

“Then you have decided?”

Again, a soft smile that made her shiver and burn all at once. “Yes, Miss Gracechurch. I should be pleased to…work with you. What had you in mind for the first journey?”

“I would like to discuss my ideas in detail, and I have a contract for you to look over and make whatever changes you deem necessary. Perhaps we could use the Captain’s cabin if he is otherwise occupied?”

“Actually, he had some tasks to do on shore, but he told me to make free use of his cabin at need.” He held out his elbow and without even considering it, she placed her hand on his arm so that he could escort her to the cabin. Even through the layers of his coat and her gloves he felt warm. That warmth seemed to heat up her blood until she was certain her blushing cheeks were even hotter.

It wasn’t until the door closed behind them that she truly realized they were alone. The knowledge filled her with a terrifying sense of freedom, a wickedness she didn’t know she possessed. She tried to distract herself by going to Captain Saunders’ neatly arranged rack of maps and sorting through them for a map of the coast of southern Spain and Portugal.

Helena could feel his eyes on her, and she longed to be able to gaze upon his form unencumbered by feminine modesty. In her mind’s eye, she imagined his broad shoulders, the turn of his leg, the curve of his buttocks. And his devastating smile.

She swallowed harshly, preparing herself to turn around clutching what she hoped was the correct chart. He was much closer to her than she remembered. Close enough that his eyes burned into hers and she could feel his very breath on her face. Close enough that he barely had to lean forward and their lips touched softly, sweetly.

It was the shortest of kisses, but it was her first. She hadn’t been ready. She wanted to feel every moment of it, every sensation that had flooded through her in that instant. She raised a hand and he almost flinched away as though she might give him a well-deserved slap, but she reached out and pressed two fingers against his lips, feeling their dry fullness.

He kissed those fingers, and she transferred her fingers to her own lips, transferring his kiss – snatching whatever she could. But he was more than willing to have a repeat performance, and with a groan of surrender, his arms wrapped around her and his lips took hers, his warm mouth pressing against her with a firm pressure that made her happy to yield. In moments, her lips had parted and she felt the hot stroke of his tongue against her lips and teeth. It was all so wonderfully strange, she reacted out of instinct, stroking his tongue with her own, nipping at his lips with her teeth.

Helena barely knew that she had dropped her map and wrapped her arms around his neck and thrust her hands into the thickness of his hair, pulling it from its proper queue.  But she did feel the hard length of his body as he held her tightly against him, drugging her with his kisses. There was a mysterious hardness against her stomach, and she knew it must be his manhood hardening, ready and willing to enter her. Aunt Matilda’s lessons really had been very useful.

A new year, a new site!

Well, I’ve moved my website recently, and I’m determined to post more often now that I have such a lovely site to come home to! Many thanks to my wonderful husband, who helped out when I was tearing my hair out.

First of all, I’d like to announce that Command the Wind, my Elizabethan erotic romance, is a finalist in the 2010 Eppie Awards! I so wish that I could make it to New Orleans for the awards ceremony, but I will definitely be there in spirit! I loved writing this book and I am so happy it’s getting some recognition. It’s such a great time period to write in, I hope I see more Elizabethan books soon.

I recently had an opportunity to be interviewed by the Erotic Romance Reading Challenge of 2010. I had so much fun! Please, take a chance to go there and check it out:

Wicked Wednesday

Here’s an excerpt:

1 – Would you describe your work as erotic or erotica and why..

Thanks for inviting me here. Hello everyone!

I think of my work as erotic romance. Romance doesn’t just mean candlelight dinners and roses. Romance is how your partner treats you in every way, especially behind closed doors. Erotic romance carries romance behind the bedroom door and follows a couple (or a ménage) as they explore the deepest facets of themselves and their love.  I want to keep my characters consistent from sidewalk to shower stall, that their passion can tease you in public and blossom in private.
2 – You have books in the Historical, Paranormal and Futuristic/SciFi. For readers who haven’t yet had the pleasure is there any other genre that you write in and which is your current favourite genre to lose yourself in?…

A lot of my books mix genres. Some are historical and paranormal at the same time, like the books in the Passion Magic series (Command the Wind, Foretell the Flame, Enchant the Dawn, Reveal the Heart). Some are contemporary with the slightest hint of science fiction, like Don’t Wait, which involves a touch of time travel. I particular love historical and that’s a lot of what I read and what I love to write. I really love a mixture of magic and history together.

3 – Each author have their own style to defining their protags… what are your female and male protags generally like?..

I like to write strong, but not invulnerable women. Real women with real problems who have creative minds to try to solve those problems. I like men who respect women, but don’t put them on a pedestal. Men who treat a woman like they have brains, even as they want to ravish their bodies. I understand the allure of a pure alpha male, but I wouldn’t classify my guys as a classic alphas. They aren’t going to run over everyone else in order to get what they want, unless that really is exactly what their heroine needs. My guys are smart, savvy and they don’t always let the rules contain them.

4 – Which characters have stood out for you the most… the one that refuse to let you go to bed before they are on paper?..

Sophia Hunter in Enchant the Dawn loved to whisper in my ear and keep me up at night with wisecracks and attitude. Tiliw T’ul in Lady Six Sky is so hot and so sexy that I would wake up in the middle of the night and have to write something about him or else. My merman Garom Sesh in Sea of Pearls always would bother me in the shower, naughty boy. And in Scandalous Profession, Charlotte Mallory is closely based on a good friend of mine, and she would just bug me incessantly until the next chapter was done!

Welcome, come on in and read about my books!

Book Trailers

Match Made by Moonlight
Sea of Pearls
Lady Six Sky
Seeds of Garnet
Scandalous Profession
Enchant the Dawn

Welcome to my website, come take a peak at my books and talk about them! Please feel free to leave comments or ask questions, I always love to hear from my readers!

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